Schultz Admin replied

743 weeks ago

Members Loot
A.Abjuration: Bd.: Kuroinoir, Severussnape
A.Abjuration: Ft.: Cerverus, Envious
Adamantoise Egg: Ghosterme
Fistule Discharge: Inspectorgadget x2
Goetia Seal: Hd.: Darkindred, Inspectorgadget
Orison Seal: Hd.: Vermail
Pixie Earring: Jaize
Ridill: Babrius
Rokugo Hachimaki: Nyonah
Savant's Seal: Hd.: Babrius

Banked Loot
Antares Harness x2, Azoth x5, Black Tathlum, Fragarach,
Herald's Gaiters x2, Hermes' Sandals x5, Ixion Cape x2, Ixion Cloak x2,
Killer Shortbow x2, Odium Ring x2, Oily Trousers, Ridill,
White Tathlum, Wyrm Beard, Zahak's Mail

Trashed Loot
A.Abjuration: Ft. x2, Behemoth Tongue, E.Abjuration: Hn., E.Abjuration: Lg.,
Hrotti, Lightsome Cap, N.Abjuration: Hd., Noesis Helm, Pixie Earring,
Wyrm Beard

Want to Buy?
See anything here that you wish to buy? Please contact one of our members ingame
(or through Guildwork) to place an order. If the item comes into our possession
you will be contacted (or in the case of rare/ex items dropped from HNM's you
will be contacted prior to the possibility of a claim/drop).

Thank you for flying Air SnD.
Schultz Stratagems - I didn't break it… it was broken when i got here, I swear!
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